This basic recipe uses simple and often used ingredients. It can be spiced up any way, but our spices we have found bring out the best flavor and they...
This simple but hearty meal is made with hamburger, potatoes, green beans, and diced tomatoes cooked in a delicious broth. Perfect for serving on those...
This simple but hearty meal is made with hamburger, potatoes, green beans, and diced tomatoes cooked in a delicious broth. Perfect for serving on those...
The traditional dish uses a good amount of olive oil and meat with a lot of marbling. This version is lower in fat, but is true to the spirit of the recipe....
The traditional dish uses a good amount of olive oil and meat with a lot of marbling. This version is lower in fat, but is true to the spirit of the recipe....
My grandmother used to make this for my grandfathers lunch when he worked outside for the railroad. She put it in his thermos, and always called it thermos...
A fast and easy cube steak stew for those cold nights when you want comfort food but don't want to spend a lot of time cooking. It's an old favorite in...
This no-peek beef stew is a real standard in our household - great for company, and my husband always raves! No preparation, except opening cans. It cooks...
Inspired by my mother-in-law, this is a warm, sweet, fall favorite! I make this for my husband and I, so half saved for another meal. We've found that...
Inspired by my mother-in-law, this is a warm, sweet, fall favorite! I make this for my husband and I, so half saved for another meal. We've found that...
Inspired by my mother-in-law, this is a warm, sweet, fall favorite! I make this for my husband and I, so half saved for another meal. We've found that...
The traditional dish uses a good amount of olive oil and meat with a lot of marbling. This version is lower in fat, but is true to the spirit of the recipe....
Beef chuck stewed with potatoes, carrots, celery, onions and beef broth for a homey favorite. The aroma that permeates throughout the house while the stew...
This is an easy and authentic version of Korean tofu stew. I used to eat this every day at a very popular restaurant. I befriended a woman who worked there...
I experimented with the ingredients that I had in an attempt to make a stew that resembled the lamb and plum stew from 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins....
Beef tongue is combined with veggies and slowly simmered in tomato sauce and spice. Serve over rice or any other whole grain (buckwheat, quinoa, bulgur,...
I experimented with the ingredients that I had in an attempt to make a stew that resembled the lamb and plum stew from 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins....
I experimented with the ingredients that I had in an attempt to make a stew that resembled the lamb and plum stew from 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins....
This easy slow cooker beef stew recipe made with potatoes, carrots, celery, broth, herbs, and spices is hearty and comforting. You won't be slow to say...
Yummy Iranian stew. Can be hot, depending on how much of the spices you wish to put in. Very little prep, especially if you skip the potatoes, but this...
This is the quickest and easiest way to make Sauerbraten that was handed down by my grandmother. Our family has always used a pressure cooker. However,...
A fast and easy cube steak stew for those cold nights when you want comfort food but don't want to spend a lot of time cooking. It's an old favorite in...
Definitely different ingredients of bacon, black olives, small white onions, mushrooms, garlic, thyme, orange peel, red wine and green peas give this stew...
This dish is rich in flavor due to the slow cooking of the oxtail. Oxtail can be cooked to tenderness a day before so you can skim off the fat making the...
This is a traditional German Stew served for Halloween. Its hearty flavors go perfect with the chilly nights of the harvest festival. Serve the stew in...
A hearty beef and vegetable stew with a little spice that is quick to prepare. You can cook the whole thing in one hour, or let it simmer in the slow cooker...
Got this recipe from an anthropologist friend in Arizona, and given the use of canned product, it is said to date to the 1920s to early 30s. Spicy and...
My mom's beef stew recipe that she's perfected over 25 years. Tender chunks of beef couple with hearty vegetables in a rich gravy for a soul-warming treat....
A homemade beef stew recipe for the stovetop. This traditional stew is good eaten from a bowl or poured over biscuits. Substitute lamb and voila!... Irish...
Wonderful stew recipe with crescent rolls laid on top in a pie formation. I used this recipe when I used to work up in Cody, Wyoming. If you do not own...
This is an incredibly easy and quick soup that is awesome. It will really warm you up on a cold day. My family loves it. Try substituting ground turkey...
Cooked in an Instant Pot® electric pressure cooker, this stew takes on the wonderful flavors of the Southwest and is ready in little time to make a hearty,...
A hearty beef and vegetable stew with a little spice that is quick to prepare. You can cook the whole thing in one hour, or let it simmer in the slow cooker...